Evening of the Arts Showcase Event

Monday, April 22nd


Our theme: We serve One Lord Who is Our One Hope.

This year the event will have a History and English focus.

This year, our program is enjoying the privilege of working with 77 students, including 1 senior. In our program senior students engage in our Senior Leadership Program and this experience culminates in a multifaceted career presentation. Each student works in their field of choice with a mentor for 20 hours and their mentor attends their final project presentation. This year, student Ryan Paulsberg would like to explore applied electrical and/or mechanical engineering and we are still looking for a mentor. Please pray and trust God with us in finding an engineer who loves the Lord and would like to work with Ryan. Your prayers are valuable to us and resulted in 5 great matches for our seniors last year.

Thank you,

Ruth Wagley, Homeschool Director