NWCS Homeschool Extension Program

Save the date now for our Evening of the Arts Showcase event:

Monday, April 22nd from 5:30-7:30pm

Our theme this year: Called to One Hope (Eph 4:4-6)

This year our program is enjoying the privilege of working with 79 students, including 1 senior. In our program, senior students engage in our Senior Leadership program which culminates in a multifaceted career presentation. Each student works in their field of choice with a mentor for 20 hours and their mentor attends the final project presentation. This year, Mr. Elijah Gurash is directing Senior Leadership. Our student Ryan Paulsberg wants to explore applied electrical and/or mechanical engineering. Please pray and trust God with us in finding a Godly engineer who would like to work with Ryan. Your prayers are valuable to us and resulted in 5 great matches for our seniors last year.

Washington State law requires all Homeschooled students aged 8 and above to be tested each year. We offer the Stanford Achievement Test annually to address this need. This test is open to homeschoolers who are not enrolled in our program. Please share this opportunity with those who may be interested. Testing will be March 25th and 27th from 8:00am-12:00pm. Sign-up runs through Feb. 21st.

A wonderful example of the benefits of our Homeschool experience is the recent Elementary field trip our students and families participated in. We had a wonderful visit with the “Eagle Lady” on our Lake Coeur d’ Alene cruise.

The Eagle Lady

Please encourage families interested in Homeschooling to call or visit to learn about the unique advantages our program offers homeschooling families. Please contact Ruth Wagley for further information at 238-4005 ext. 136 or email at rwagley@nwcs.org.