Elementary Fall Field Trips to area pumpkin patches are something our little ones look forward to every year. What a beautiful autumn we have enjoyed! In this season, we can’t help but be reminded that our God is Creator of all beauty and His order and pattern displayed through the seasons are a reminder of His good nature towards us.

Veterans” Day Assembly hosted in November was a tribute to Veterans and an opportunity to reflect on our freedom as Americans. As a school, we gathered together to ask the Lord’s peace, protection and provision for our nation. Students’ artwork was hung throughout the school depicting symbols of freedom and welcomed our guests of honor into the gymnasium. Senior Master Sargent, Donald Belfils, a member of the Airforce, Superintendent of the 141 ARW Inspector General’s Office and a former NWCS parent, shared with us about his service in the Washington Air National Guard and Fairchild Air Force Base. Mr. Belfils reminded us of the greatest sacrifice and freedom God gave us through His Son. He also shared about the importance of honoring those who have fought and served to preserve our American freedoms. Mr. Belfils served in many states and countries around the world and we were blessed to hear him inspire our students and the veterans who were honored at our assembly. The program included songs by the Elementary students, thank you cards presented to veterans, our High School pep band and our Elementary and Middle School essay contest winners. Thank you, Mr. Brown, Mr. Schmidt and Mrs. Hagan for preparing our students to host this important annual event. 

See’s Candy Sales

Thank you to all our families who helped to make the See’s candy sale a huge success. Students will profit from many learning opportunities in their classrooms including field trips and technology. We appreciate the sacrifice of your time and finances in support of this very important fundraiser. This year made over $15,280 (with funds still trickling in). Our top seller was Joshua Mathison (5th grade) who sold 27 boxes of candy. Joshua holds the school title, “ King of the Sees!” Chlarice Carey (4th grade) sold 14 boxes in support of her classroom as well. These students, along with several others, earned root beer floats, pizza and an ice cream date with Mrs. Orr and Mr. Bob. 

During Chapel on October 31st, your children were blessed by the worship leadership of Mr. Schmidt (the 3rd-12th Grade choir teacher) and the message of Pastor Camren Ebat. Mr. Ebat shared from the Bible how God is everywhere, so we can be both comforted and aware that He sees everything. Using objects like balloons and basketballs, we learned that as gravity and air are all around us and very powerful, they are still invisible. God is also not seen, but by faith we believe in Him and witness His power in creation and salvation. Praise the Lord He is omnipresent!

During this Thanksgiving and upcoming holiday season, may each of us be reminded that a heart of Thanksgiving transforms our lives into a gospel-centered vessels with the power to impact the world around us for His glory. Psalm 107:1, “Give thanks to the Lord for He is good…His love endures forever.”

Happy Thanksgiving!

Faith Orr, Elementary Principal