NWCS welcomed 40 graduates into the Crusader Alumni Family on June 3, 2023.  The ceremony started with the traditional “Pomp & Circumstance,” played by the NWCS junior and senior high band, under the direction of Mr. Quindrey Davis.  Mr. Roger Gerstenberger, Head of Schools, welcomed the graduates, families, friends, teachers, and board members.  After the “Pledge of Allegiance,” led by Salutatorian, Alexis Parker, and “The Star-Spangled Banner” sung by the Crusader Choir, Mr. Gerstenberger recognized the Golden Crusaders.  Three graduates from the Class of 1973 were able to attend this year’s graduation ceremony: Jared Cronrath, Diane (Rodkey) Gadbaugh, and Dan Roloff.  To their horror, but to the audience’s delight, their senior portraits from 1973 were shown on the big screen.  Mr. Gerstenberger welcomed them and mentioned them by name.  Our community warmly acknowledged them, and with a gesture of praise, Golden Crusader, Diane (Rodkey) Gadbaugh, reminded the audience that our Lord Jesus Christ is the center of NWCS.

Some students, in the graduating class, had been a Crusader for only a year or two, while others had attended NWCS nearly their entire lives.  Four graduating seniors were children of alumni.  Abi Iverson’s parents and her paternal grandfather were NWCS graduates.  Both Abe McKinney’s and Holli Wright’s dads graduated from NWCS in the early 1990’s, and Isabel Rainbow’s mom is an alum from the Class of 1996.  Generation after generation, NWCS continues its mission to provide a gospel-centered education every day for every student.  Welcome Class of 2023 to your Crusader Alumni Family.

Senior Photo from 1973

Golden Crusader’s when they were seniors

L-R: Dan Roloff, Diane (Rodkey) Gadbaugh, Jared Conrath

L-R: Golden Crusaders – Diane (Rodkey) Gadbaugh, Dan Roloff, Jared Cronrath and his wife, Gina, & Mr. Roger Gerstenberger, NWCS Head of Schools

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